The Third Wheel in Chris Watt's Marriage

hide your husbands chris watts

The Nicole Kessenger story has never added up to me, so after watching a documentary I was curious about what really happened.

Not thinking about ever sharing it, I used audio to record it thinking I would answer a few of my own questions.

The Energy Reading I did was on June 15, 2023. Specifically, the Watts Home on August 13, 2018, the morning Shanann got home from her trip.

After nearly a month of meticulous research, yesterday, ​⁠@behindcriminalminds posted; Chris Watts | Exposing Nichol Kessinger’s Dark Past; 12:23 - 1st Interview with NK - “A Multitude of Lies” and confirmed what I got in the reading.

I will tag his channel and highly recommend you watch his work.

I’ve been doing private Energy/Intuitive Tarot Readings for years and with so many great creators on YouTube who have inspired me to take the leap will begin ​editing and cleaning up Energy Reading audios to post.

Today I decided to begin recording daily energy readings, so if you have questions, ideas, or topics, please let me know, and welcome to my channel!


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Hello, I just watched a documentary about Chris Watts.

The title implies that it was his mistress, Nicole Kessinger that did it. The title of it was Did Chris Watts Actually Kill Anyone

I'm trying to keep an open mind about it because I feel like he did do it but what I don't know and I'm gonna pull some cards I've been shuffling them as I've been watching this because I have a few questions I didn't write them down the first question that I want to ask is:

Did Nicole kill Shannan?

Okay, well right out of the jump we have The Justice card upright that's like The Wheel of Justice, Chris Watts being in jail is the right thing and they got Justice. 

We'll put it together with the next card. We got The Magician upside down and The Magician has also connected to The Hierophant and The Moon's secrets so; manipulation, greed, trickery, convincing, and wasted resources.

I'd definitely say that Justice was served but The Magician upside down; manipulation, greed, trickery, all right that's pretty self-explanatory then we got the Three of Pentacles upside down.

This means; apathy, conflict, ego, lack of teamwork, and competition.

I might have tapped into Nicole's feelings because I know she was competitive with Shannan.

The next card we got was the Page of Swords upside down. That's freedom, hope, empowerment, healing, and surrender.

Oh boy, the next card we got was The Two of Wands. That is; planning, first steps, making decisions, and taking risks.

It's definitely a teamwork decision.

I think that it's saying Chris Watts surrendered to Nicole because she was super manipulative.

All right, I'm gonna clear these cards.

I want to know

Was Shannan thinking when she got home from her trip she had just gotten home from Arizona she went for the weekend and I want to know what Shannan was thinking when she got home from her trip I think it was at like two in the morning but I feel like…

I feel like these cards just want to talk about Nicole

What was Shannan thinking when she got home from her trip? We have one question; how was Shannan feeling when she got from her trip to Arizona?

Yep, she was insecure she felt she was nagging. There were some text messages between her and Chris Watts. You know when your relationship sucks ass. And, The Magician just came back up, upside down again, so that's; manipulation, greed, trickery, wasted resources. 

In those text messages, she was asking Chris Watts if he was having an affair. One of her girlfriends said to go through his phone, I want to give her props because she didn't do it. 

Which I think is awesome.

The next card is confusion, slander, oh sorry, it's The Seven of Swords upside-down; blackmail. Oh, oh, my God, whoa, wait a second. 

Okay, so The Seven of Swords upside down is; slander, being outsmarted, a coward and,

Blackmail. That's something to keep in mind.

The King of Swords upright is detached.

Chris Watts was super detached in those text messages. The Empress upside down is; Insecurity, Smothering and a lack of progress. 

Back to Nicole okay. This is telling a bigger story. The next one is The High Priestess. upside down; Secrets, confusion, blocked intuition, and hidden motives.

All right, let's see here. Did Shannan see Nicole the night she got home from her trip?

Okay, one just jumped right out.

All right.

So, we got The Nine of Pentacles, upside down.

We just got the exact same cards upside down again.

What does Extortion mean?

We also got The Six of Pentacles. We got a lot of Pentacles this hand. We got the nine, oh, three, six, and nine of Pentacles.

Wow. Well, well, well, well.

All right; three, six, and nine of Pentacles. I wonder what that means. I need some clarifier cards. What does, what are you telling me? Let's ask it a different way.

What were Chris Watts's feelings when Shannan got home from her trip to Arizona?

The Devil oh that's [ __ ] great.

What did Chris Watts do? What did Chris Watts feel?

Man, The Hierophant's back. Punishment, cruelty, and flexibility.

The Five of Cups; disappointed, regretful. That's kind of like The Hermit like it's just like a solitary. The next card was the Page of Cups upside down; childish, attention seeking, insecurity, and escaping.

The Ace of Swords is clarity, anything of an Ace is a new beginning.

What part did Nicole have in this?



But, uh.


You guys. Every single card I just pulled, is like, if I could pull cards to give us a murder plan, we've got it. 

The Eight of Wands upside down; losing momentum, chaos, so that's like The Tower, then we got  The Chariot upside down so The Chariot. It's what it sounds like, you know, now, we use that as a car. That's upside down; Powerless, misdirection, conflict, and forceful. So, there we go. We have chaos, forcefulness, instability, and family disputes, that's The Ten of Pentacles upside-down. Oh my gosh, Six of Cups. Stuck in the past, upside down Six of Wands.

Oh; six, six, oh boy, hmm okay, well we've got two sixes up here's our last six so we got three sixes holy [ __ ].

Okay, so we have the Six of Cups upside down. All right, so this is our murder plan. Chaos, misdirection, dispute, The Chariot. Okay, sorry, Eight of Wands is upside down. Chaos.

The Chariot upside down is like; everything's falling apart, misdirection, no one knows what the [ __ ] is going on?

Ten of Pentacles upside-down; family disputes, debt, instability, that's explaining Chris Watts.

Then we have the Six of Cups upside down. That’s stuck in the past, boredom, growing up, independence then we have this Six of Pentacles upside-down; selfishness, debt, strings attached gifts.

I think this is part of the blackmail.

Then we have the Six of Wands upside down; lack of achievement, and failure.

Then we have the Two of Swords; indecision, delay, blocked off, 

Then we have the Nine of Cups that's the only one that we have that's not a murder rap. Then we have the Eight of Cups upside right and that's; abandonment, withdrawal, loneliness, the most emotional King Of Wands upside down. Weakness.

And, we have the Queen of Wands; that is low confidence.

I need to take, I'll remember that we got three so we got three six nine in the first round then we got three sixes upside down. 

And I'm not superstitious but I’ll let you come to your own conclusions.

Okay, it was Nicole blackmailing Chris Watts.

Got the six. All right, I'm gonna call it. Was Nicole blackmailing Chris Watts?

Haha, yes. The first card we got was The Empress. Upside-down; lack of progress, smothering, and security, negligence.

Then we got the Three of Pentacles upside-down; conflict. ego, lack of teamwork. This is the third time we've gotten these Three of Pentacles upside down and then we got The Star.

This is really dark.

And, [ __ ] um, okay so she was blackmailing him.

Okay, what do we need to know about Nicole's part in this?

Oh my gosh, okay, there we go. Guess what, we got The Devil.

We got The Devil. That explains itself.

We got The King of Cups.

The Hanged Man.  [ __ ] little [ __ ] Chris Watts.

The Queen of Swords, Knight of Cups, and The  Lovers upside down.

Show me clearly. This isn't as clear to me as I wanted it to be. What this is saying, is she is refusing to compromise. She was fueled by addiction, obsession, and materialism.

The Devil, upright, The Lover's upside down. That IS bad choices, arguments, procrastination, confusion, The Hanged Man, upside right, sacrifice, and uncertainty.

Chris Watts was trying to be diplomatic with her. I think she smothered him.

All right. there we go okay what was her motive what was Nicole Kessinger's motive oh whoa well whatever this card is

What was Nicole Kissinger's motive?


this is really [ __ ] up I think she genuinely just wanted to [ __ ] his home up

there I think that he and Shannan okay so what I'm looking at is page of Pentacles upside down immature lazy poor prospects procrastinator the Ten of Cups upside down separation conflict disharmony isolation unhappy homes he I think she wanted to just [ __ ] his house up because the two of Cups comes up and I feel like that's like Shannanigan Chris Wattstmas Connection what was her motive did she just want to [ __ ] his life up that's smart okay wait just one question you really want to [ __ ] his life up or did she want his life does she want to be a part of his life oh my [ __ ]

what the

got the eight of Swords upright and we got the four Pentacles upside down it's Reckless

oh no yeah Reckless spending

cards are just jumping out and I mean not one or two like handfuls of them okay the next one Higher fin upside down we've gotten that before that's cruelty and Punishment King Of Wands upside right we've gotten that oneThe Tower guys I think she just wanted to [ __ ] his life up

what so we just got The Tower upside right we got the Eight of Cups subside right it's loneliness and we got the Ten of Wands upside down

breakdown and the Five of Swords is deception bullying abuse


can't believe this she literally just wanted to [ __ ] his life up did she want him to kill her and ask another question did Nicole want Chris Watts to kill his family was that Nicole's idea

yes [ __ ] kidding me

oh my what the [ __ ] we just got the exact same cards again two cups upside right that's I think that's Shannanigan and Chris Watts the eight of Swords upside right that's like I mean if you look at it

she's like trapped in prison then we got the four Pentacles and then we gotThe Tower and that's likeThe Tower is exactly what it sounds like likeThe Towers crumbling like what is it London bridges falling down it's like upheaval just I mean this means like your life is completely crumbling or it could be an event in your life but since we've seen the murders plot

pretty much lined out I don't know why I'm feeling like I'm not getting the answers I want I don't know what I want to hear was Shannan awake when he killed her

okay wait I have two questions the first question is was Shin man awake when he killed her

one card Three of Wands looking ahead yep okay so she's awake okay next question was Chris Watts I'm gonna just do one card okay um one question I mean one card was Chris Watts alone when he killed Nicole I mean I'm sorry I went and killed Shannan

well the king of Wands

what would the king of Wands be

it says he was long I mean the king doesn't need anyone give me all right let's do four cards jeez oh my [ __ ] god the next cargo guys Ivory says so we got the king of Wands and the high priestess he wasn't alone she was there when he killed her

and it was ruthless and violent then because the King of Swords is upside down

The Seven of Cups upside right is wishful thinking and delusion so she was there was she hiding oh wasn't it cold hiding or did okay was Nicole hiding when Chris Watts killed Shannan

queen of cups she was right there watching her baby

what in the UN actual [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah

Okay. We got The Queen of Cups upside right.

So, she was there. She watched. She might have helped because he tried to do it, rushed. He didn't do it well.

Oh, I'm sorry. We have the Eight of Pentacles upside down.

Then we have the Six of Swords upside down; overwhelmed, unstable, stuck, and unresolved issues. 

And then, it ends with The Emperor upside right; authoritative, and stable.

I wonder if she tried to kill her.

No matter what, Chris Watts was not alone when this happened.

Nicole was there. Have they checked her phone records?

What the [ __ ]? Then this card just jumped out. 

The Two of Cups upside down; disharmony, tension, withdrawal, rejection, and separation.

Did they check her phone? Right? Like, what the [ __ ]? 

Okay did they? 

Oh, did they kill Shannan last? Oh, no, no, no, the kids were alive when they went out to the oil field. 

Wait, well I guess that's just what he said.

Were the kids okay? Were the girls dead when Shannan got home that night?

Queen of Wands, then we have, The Star upside down. Yeah, I mean that's not a good thing.

Then, The Empress. Oh, Shannon was pregnant.

Did they kill Shannan last? Just one card. Did they kill Shannan last? 

Oh yeah, we just got the Five of Cups upside down.

Shannan was the last girl who died before Shannan got home.

Did Chris Watts have a psychotic break?

Wow. Yeah, I think he actually did.

The Queen of Cups upside down; smothering, disloyal, shallow, and, manipulative.

I do think he had a psychotic break. Nicole was there and helped him kill her. The girls were already dead he lied [ __ ].

And, yes he did have a psychotic break though. 

I don't really feel like this is in his nature to do this this is a very out of character.

I really don't even feel like he did it.

I feel like Nicole did it. 

I don't even feel him out at the oil field. I feel like Nicole did all of this. 

I want to see her phone records.

Oh, this is like, The Hermit upside down. The Nine of Swords; scandal, breakdown, malicious gossip.

I think that Nicole is El Diablo.

I don't even think he did it. I don’t think that's his thing. I don't know. That’s a strong statement.

I think Nicole did it.

Okay, we're gonna end it on this.

And, we're ending it on The Eight of Wands upside down.

That's what we started with. 

Prepared, losing momentum, and waiting in chaos.

I think Nicole is in the house when Shannan got home and I think she's actually the one that strangled her and I think the kids were dead before Shannan even got home.

Visit to book a reading. I’d like to dedicate this reading to Shanann, the friends and family who love her, and her children Bella, Cece, & Nico. I’d also like to thank;  @BehindCriminalMinds ,  @bjinvestigates ,  @ThatSurpriseWitness ,  @FamousFortunes ,  @thereckoningco , &  @MysticalFortunes  for providing such great content and inspiring me to take the leap! ❤️

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