"Three words that became hard to say."
I am a sucker for 80's love songs and Taylor Swift. But lately, the Avett Brothers have been killing it in my world.
I'll try not to dwell on life today and just focus on how important words are. As I have grown I have learned that words are like a knife. A knife you can use to open a bag of salt or kill those you love the most. And apparently, I need to watch what I say. I have hurt the people I love the most and pushed them away when all I really wanted to do was hold them tighter.
So, I had to start visualizing a small seed that I have planted and need to water and nurture so that it can grow to be the little guy he was meant to be. Or I think of being in a swimming pool and holding water in the palm of my hand, if I hold on to it too tightly it will seep through and disappear.
As we all know the world got really big really fast but as I've also said, I'm so fortunate to have great people in my life. I mean, my hair dresser made me come in yesterday for a cut and color on the house. She's adorbs. Not because I want a sales pitch in here but seriously, check out Salon Envy if you're in Concord and your mop needs a little love. They're great and actually notice if you miss appointments and write down your hair color options so you don't have to remember. Every time I get my hair done and am asked, "What color did "we" do last time", I want to say; "Um, you're the expert, I'm just here for the shampoo." I mean seriously, who's not?
Even my maintenance man calls to check on me. Geez. The struggle is real. I finally rode today. I soaked in the sunshine, raced down the mountain, and actually sweat. I know, it's intense being on the inside. Literally, but it's the little things.
Today, I worked on sending love to the ones who have hurt me, starting with my best friend from High School who broke my heart. Breaking up with a best friend is the most painful break up EVER. If you've been there you get it. All the way to the people in my life today, sending them love, light, and happiness.
No more hate. That didn't get me anywhere. And, it's actually working. I have to say that the world is still really big, but at least I am not as angry as I was yesterday. Everyday gets a little bit better and every day I can thank everyone in my life who stood by me when I was not a ball of fun to be around. They probably thought, it's been a pleasure Kate, now let's talk tomorrow. But kept coming back for me.
You get what you give and that's the most important thing to remember. Where ever you are in your life, at the top of the world, or crawled up in your bed, you get what you give. So be kind. Be thoughtful. And when you need it most, it will come back to you three times fold.
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